Friday, June 17, 2011

art furniture

this is a  now a new fresh small oak table...the image is wood burned and the paint is more absorbed in, rather than painted. i was gifted some pieces of furnishings to recycle. you can see it at ITHACAmade. more is in the works. what i love about this table is i solved a problem....the deep gap of two halves of the table now are a benefit to the design. what ever it is you are looking for- if you put it on the cat table, you will always find it. that is the best selling point, and of course the amazing price.


helen said...

Love it! So creative.

BSOB said...

its a well known fact that cats solve every problem. thank goodness!

Art furniture said...

A drawing room is usually the attraction of the house and people often wish they could change the appearance and feel of the room frequently. If we used art furniture in our drawing room then our house look more attractive.