Sunday, April 4, 2010


Got the key and went to look at the new studio gallery-
120 w.state st. it's located above state of the art gallery. just a flight up or two. tomorrow the raven desk will return out of storage. that is extra exciting to me. i will probably be there fairly often, you will see a cool sculpture outside when i am there. then you can come on upstairs and visit the studio. every gallery night i will have something new going on, i have lots of ideas. my plan is to create this haven, where i will finally make and produce all the things on my wish list .first project is this very special mega painting i am making for a beautiful couple in a beautiful home with mile high ceilings.


Anonymous said...


Sandra Evertson said...

A funny thing happened one day...
I was at this tiny little coffee shop in Moravia, New York, oh about 5 or 6 years ago. Visiting from Texas. While waiting on tea and a muffin I noticed a quirky, inquisitive face staring out at me, saying it's your turn to fly...
Mesmerized I purchased the curious little black bird and have since proudly displayed him amongst french antiques in a prominent place in my home. Today I found myself standing and staring back at my little black crow and had the thought to look up its creator! And here you are... just a note to say Thank You, Wonderful work, I enjoy the piece everyday!
Sandra Evertson

Sandra Evertson said...

P.S. Will be sure and add your web site to my Creative Places list on my blog!
