Monday, August 17, 2009


this is the finished puzzle table . the table opens where the two birds meet. hard to tell in this photo but the lines are burned into the wood. it gives an etching kind of feel. it is a tad more pastel than i usually paint , but it felt
right. the home it will be in, is a work of art, and houses many works of art, and i was granted free reign to create. it is done in my symbolic map style, which i can not seem to move from. but i wanted to paint a place where love meets again and again.


Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

Beautiful Alice!

Cloudbuster said...

Wow, Alice! This is gorgeous! Did they like it?

aliceinblogland said...

they loved it!!, and now would like a painting so they can see it all the time, they considered hanging the table on the wall.....

Werner Sun said...

Wow, wow, wow! Perfect!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

mmmmm, just gorgeous Alice!